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Subscriptions & Renewals

Subscription rates are per year (1st Jan to 31st Dec) If joining after 1st October membership will be to 31st December the following year. New membership fees include a £10.00 (€11.00/$13.00) joining fee.

NB. If you are renewing your membership please scroll down to the renewal rates.

PGG-201 – New Member - Full Subscription


Full members shall be Professional Gardeners, whose main source of income is from working as a gardener, and whose career includes at least five years full-time practical working experience in historic, heritage or botanic gardens, to include National Trust, charitable foundations, private gardens, hotel gardens and others managed in a similar way.


PGG-202 – New Member - Associate Subscription


Associate membership is open to professional gardeners whose main source of income is from working as a gardener in a historic, heritage or botanic gardens etc as above, and who have yet to meet the criteria for full membership. (i.e. five years full-time working experience).


PGG-203 – New Member - Affiliated Subscription


Affiliated membership is open to those not Professionally engaged in gardening but working in
professions related to horticulture, such as consultants, botanists etc.

Affiliated membership is also open to people interested in historic, heritage private or botanical gardens but whose main source of income is not from working as a gardener. i.e. garden writers, garden owners, designers, nursery workers, landscape architects, landscape contractors etc.


PGG-205 – Renewal - Full Membership


Renew Full Membership to PGG.

PGG-206 – Renewal - Associate Membership and Retired Members


Renew Associate Membership to PGG (includes Retired Members).

PGG-207 – Renewal - Affiliated Membership


Renew Affiliated Membership to PGG.

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